Coffee review

Net spoon roasting Learn more about Net spoon roasting

  • Net spoon baking

    Net spoon baking

    Net spoon roasting is the most economical form of home roasting, using a net spoon in the home kitchen to roast coffee.

    2014-06-18 Coffee knowledge Coffee roasting Net spoon roasting
  • Coffee roasting net spoon baking

    Coffee roasting net spoon baking

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-08-20 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting net spoon roasting
  • Coffee bean baking technology net spoon baking process

    Coffee bean baking technology net spoon baking process

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2015-01-08 Coffee beans roasting technology net spoon process coffee r
  • About coffee roasting

    About coffee roasting

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-08-13 Coffee roasting coffee knowledge
  • Coffee common sense-coffee roasting

    Coffee common sense-coffee roasting

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) refers to the heating of raw beans to convert starch in raw beans into sugars and acids at high temperature, cellulose and other substances will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-06-25 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting coffee encyclopedia
  • A complete knowledge of coffee roasting

    A complete knowledge of coffee roasting

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) refers to the heating of raw beans to convert starch in raw beans into sugars and acids at high temperature, cellulose and other substances will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-06-04 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting coffee encyclopedia
  • Complete knowledge of coffee roasting

    Complete knowledge of coffee roasting

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) refers to the heating of raw beans to convert starch in raw beans into sugars and acids at high temperature, cellulose and other substances will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-08-20 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting knowledge coffee encyclopedia
  • Coffee roasting technology A complete knowledge of coffee roasting machine

    Coffee roasting technology A complete knowledge of coffee roasting machine

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2015-01-08 Coffee roasting technology roaster knowledge Daquan coffee coffe
  • How to bake at home? How to bake coffee beans at home? The skill of baking hand net

    How to bake at home? How to bake coffee beans at home? The skill of baking hand net

    Net baking is a home baking developed in Japan and the most widely used method in South Korea. 1. Put the raw coffee beans in the net and heat them on the gas stove. two。 Keep shaking and fishing the net so that the coffee beans are roasted evenly. 3. If the first burst occurs, the shell will begin to splash, and you can blow gently with your mouth or tap the net with a spoon. 4. Proceed to the first

    2016-01-26 Home baking how fishing net is in Japan development open home
  • Coffee knowledge: coffee roasting

    Coffee knowledge: coffee roasting

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-07-17 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting coffee encyclopedia
  • Knowledge and methods of Coffee roasting (10) the method of making Coffee by pressing Pot

    Knowledge and methods of Coffee roasting (10) the method of making Coffee by pressing Pot

    The solution to the perfect coffee is only one step more than instant coffee the French pressure pot seems simple, and it can also make a perfect cup of coffee. Step 1: take clean French presses and coffee cups, and warm the cups if possible. Step 2: put two flat tablespoons of coffee powder in a French pressure pot (suppose two cups) and inject boiling water into the desired cup. If possible, you can finish the injection.

    2015-10-10 Coffee roasting knowledge method usage kettle production speed solubility one step
  • Share the experience of roasting coffee beans on hand net

    Share the experience of roasting coffee beans on hand net

    Following caf é (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. I learned that mobile baking time is not long, less than 50 nets. If I learn to watch some videos online, will I ask myself why I want to learn mobile baking? As far as coffee lovers are concerned, mobile network baking has at least several advantages: first, it is cheap, small, flexible and does not take up space.

    2017-07-28 Mobile roasting coffee beans tips sharing attention comments Wechat public vd
  • Coffee roasting hand popcorn pot

    Coffee roasting hand popcorn pot

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2014-08-20 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting hand popcorn pot baking skills
  • Coffee roasting at home the process of roasting coffee with a hand net

    Coffee roasting at home the process of roasting coffee with a hand net

    Required materials: mobile network, bought in the small shop beside the market. I don't know what to call it, but don't tell the shopkeeper you're looking for a mobile network. Gas stove coffee raw bean scale, I bought it when I was baking cake, but I don't have to. Stopwatch, my old Motorola installed a stopwatch software, you don't have to. 1. A picture of the mobile network. I put a color page the size of A4 paper as a reference. This

    2014-09-09 Coffee knowledge coffee roasting roasting on hand net
  • Coffee bean baking technology hand popcorn pot

    Coffee bean baking technology hand popcorn pot

    Coffee roasting (coffee roasting) means that through heating raw beans, starch in raw beans is converted into sugars and acids at high temperature, substances such as cellulose will be carbonized to varying degrees, water and carbon dioxide will be volatilized, proteins will be converted into enzymes and fats, and the remaining substances will be combined to form an oil film on the surface of coffee beans, and in the process coffee acids will be formed.

    2015-01-08 Coffee beans roasting technology hand shaking popcorn coffee
  • How to roast coffee is correct | what are the roasting methods of coffee?

    How to roast coffee is correct | what are the roasting methods of coffee?

    Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first of all a brief introduction to coffee beans, coffee beans, that is, the seeds of coffee fruit, it contains a large number of nutrients, in which sugar plays a key role in the taste of coffee, the higher the altitude of the place of growth, the higher the sugar content ~ legend in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee

    2019-11-01 Coffee how to bake is correct introduction method which professional coffee
  • Practical information: can you play hand-net baking?

    Practical information: can you play hand-net baking?

    I have been learning coffee bean hand network roasting for more than two years, and I have roasted more than a hundred nets. During this period, I have consulted some professional roasters in China and Taiwan from time to time. I have received a lot of advice and correction from them, because I have always had respect for coffee roasting. So I didn't dare to post the first post about hand net baking until now. Do you ask yourself why you want to learn mobile web baking? As far as coffee lovers are concerned, hand net baking

    2017-03-01 Fuck practical information hand net baking you will I will learn coffee beans already have
  • The production of specialty coffee

    The production of specialty coffee

    Drunk coffee: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, add 10 ml red orange peel wine, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, sprinkle cinnamon powder and finely diced orange peel. Sweet, smooth and intoxicating. Royal Coffee (Flame Coffee): one of the classic fancy coffee. Pour the coffee into the cup, put the whole cube sugar on a special spoon, and drop 2-3 drops of BRANDY.

    2014-08-15 Coffee knowledge specialty coffee coffee making coffee encyclopedia
  • Basic knowledge of specialty coffee

    Basic knowledge of specialty coffee

    Drunk coffee: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, add 10 ml red orange peel wine, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, sprinkle cinnamon powder and finely diced orange peel. Sweet, smooth and intoxicating. Royal Coffee (Flame Coffee): one of the classic fancy coffee. Pour the coffee into the cup, put the whole cube sugar on a special spoon, and drop 2-3 drops of BRANDY.

    2015-05-08 Features coffee one or two boutique basics common sense one cup 8 points full join
  • The method of making fancy Coffee

    The method of making fancy Coffee

    Drunk coffee: a cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, add 10 ml red orange peel wine, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, sprinkle cinnamon powder and finely diced orange peel. Sweet, smooth and intoxicating. Royal Coffee (Flame Coffee): one of the classic fancy coffee. Pour the coffee into the cup, put the whole cube sugar on a special spoon, and drop 2-3 drops of BRANDY.

    2015-01-31 Fancy style coffee production method characteristics production one cup 8 points full add